Wednesday, August 26, 2009

entry #120

Dear Husband,
Thank you for cleaning up the floor after I puked all over in the
middle of the night
and for cuddling our daughter all night
because she wasn't feeling well and had

a nightmare. You are a pretty great guy!

Dear Kids,
Thank you for dancing together this morning when you
didn't know I was
watching. It was very sweet and warmed
my heart. You guys could have
more 5min. moments
like that.... Like ALL the time would be great. :)

Dear Pie,
Thank you for smelling so so great right now
baking in my oven...

Dear Ingrid Michaelson,
Thank you for making yet another fantastic album...
Can't wait to
learn all the lyrics and sing along.

Dear creators of Chuck,
Thank you for creating such a great show. I finally got
caught up and I have
to say, you do not disappoint!
I'm excited for the new season!!!

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