Thursday, November 4, 2010


Three years ago at 3:35 a.m. my heart was once again melted when sweet little Liam entered my world...

Today we celebrated his birthday by going to lunch to get chicken 'singers' and strawberry ice 'seam'...

And then we went to the toy store and he picked out a few things.

It was so cute taking him through the store. He had to stop and look at everything! He makes life so fun and sweet...

Tonight we will continue the merriment with pizza, cake, and toy story 3.

Happy Birthday to Liam!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Liam Kingston turns....

THREE years old! (on the 4th)
That's a hard number for mommy to type...
Why must you be 3 already?????

Just yesterday you were my fresh little baby boy...

And now you're spiderman...
You are the sweetest little boy. You melt my heart. You melt everyone's heart. 

I love your cute little face...

 I love your blonde locks that curl just so to create
the perfect little shag...

I love your cute little smile...

 and how excited you get over everything...

I love the sunshine that you bring into my life. I love your hugs and kisses and how you burst into song all the time. I love your words even if I can't always understand you. I love how you are starting to love super heros but get them confused. I love your eagerness to pray at bedtime. I love that you fell asleep in my arms yesterday at naptime. I love that you make faces and talk to Faye when we are in the van. I love that you think it's funny to gross me out by picking your nose in front of me. I love that you are just as ticklish as I am and laugh before even being touched. I love that you are a lot like me. I love that you like to mess with your sisters to get them all riled up. They need their feathers ruffled now and then. I love how you are still sharing a bed with Olivia and how you both wake up together and go downstairs to play or watch cartoons. I love that you are wearing batman pj's under a spiderman suit right now. I love how you always say, "guess what mom?" and I'll say "what?" and then you'll say "i wuv you." and flash that adorable smile. 

I love you, my sweet little Liam...

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Love - Mommy

now slow down already!!!!!


Faye Louise is.....

11 months old!!!! (13ish days ago...)

My dearest little Faye Faye,

You are 11 months old now. Nearly a year old! Time goes so fast. I've cherished all the little moments knowing that it won't be long now till you'll be running around with your brother and sister and won't have time to cuddle with me.

You have learned how to pull yourself up on things to a standing position and cruise the furniture. You think it's funny to let go and see how long you can stand before you go crashing down on your bottom.

You weighed 20lbs at your last appointment and I was told you were underweight. Turns out you needed a formula supplement. So now you are back to nursing full-time and drinking formula two times a day and eating some baby foods and our food. And I think you are doing just fine. You seem to be chunking up again. 

This past weekend Daddy and I took you to a youth convention with us. With the exception of a few tired fits, you did really well and had fun being spoiled by us. You kept asking for Bob (Liam) the whole time and you got really excited when I told you we were going to go pick up Bob (Liam) Saturday night.

You have so much fun chasing Olivia and Liam around the house and playing with them. It's adorable to watch. Liam just had his birthday party on Sunday and got a bunch of new toys that you love playing with too. You keep taking his Mr. Freeze and Superman and holding them in your little hands all day. You throw a fit if they take them from you or if you lose them. 

You are finally getting two front teeth in between the fangs but they aren't coming in super fast. So it's not really helping. You still have fangs and now resemble a cat. I am so sorry! You are such a beautiful girl though. And when you do your silly grin to show it off it makes you that much cuter because you are a beautiful girl with personality. 

You are the fiersest, sweetest, silliest, craziest, most loving, most confusing, most unpredictable baby yet and I love you very much. You are our's and you are a part of this family. Beautifully meshed into our daily life and routine. It may have taken longer then anticipated but we are there. We are here in this moment loving life as a family of five. And you, my little Faye Faye, complete us for this moment in our lives. 

I love you sweet baby...

Love - Mommy