Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I learned today: Spiritually

*For Women's bible study at church we are going through Priscilla Shirer's study book, 'Discerning the voice of God'.

Today Karen, a woman from our church, spoke about the Holy Spirit's presence in us and how all of who Jesus was for the disciples lives in us. All that He is, lives in us. The disciples could relax around Jesus because He took care of everything. Nothing was too big. The more time they spent with Him the more they saw and heard and their confidence in Him grew. They knew who He was and what He could do.

They didn't want Jesus to leave them because they didn't understand that the Holy Spirit would be Him dwelling in them. All that they saw Him do, that same power, would be working through them. He would be present with them ALL the time.

Before Jesus, believers had to rely on prophets and priests and supernatural events to hear from God. Then Jesus came and He began training up believers. Showing them how to live. He gained their confidence in Him. He showed them what He could do. He loved. He forgave. He healed.
When He died, He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell His believers so that He could be with us in spirit-form every day. And His life is recorded as an example to us of how to live and walk with confidence that He is a powerful God and that He can and will take care of everything. There is nothing too big.

Our own lives tell a story about His grace and love and power. It should serve as a reminder to us and give us confidence that we can get through anything because we have the Holy Spirit living in us. He has proven time and time again that He is good and capable. Why do we doubt? Why do we fight?

I love how Karen said that the more time the disciples spent with Jesus the more their confidence grew and the more they relaxed. The more time we spend with Jesus, in His word and in prayer, the more our confidence will grow. The more time we spend looking for His goodness and love in the everyday things (one thousand gifts) we will see that He is good and that He does love us and we will begin to trust Him. The more we look back and remember what He has done for us the more we'll believe Him for the future. (Believing God)

Just wanted to share that little tidbit with you. Hopefully it will speak volumes to you as it did me.

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