Tuesday, October 20, 2009

entry #145

today i am blessed because....

1. after a rough night and morning, i got an extra hour of sleep
in because my son played in his crib for an hour! if you know him,
you understand why this is huge.

2. in reading birth books with olivia her only concern about the
whole thing is that the baby is being squished in there
right now and running out of room. so sweet!

3. my son says 'eeeewww' to anything dirty and it makes me
laugh. he's going nuts with these lady bugs.
he likes them if they're dead.

4. after 2 hours all together my husband made my back feel
better by patiently rubbing icy hot on it. he's seriously the best.
i don't know of any husband that would lovingly rub his wife's
back for as long as he does for me. thank you babe!

5. having a day to myself because the kids are going to grandma's
house and i get to visit with a friend and her
precious new baby. thank you mom!

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