Monday, October 19, 2009

entry #143 and #144

i have found grace in...

1. the beautiful day we are having today

2. the wonderful weekend we had with family and friends

3. my patient husband that takes care of me when i'm
expressing my pregnant discomfort

4. making it to where i am in this pregnancy without all
the issues i had with my other children

5. my love for writing. it helps me process my brain full of thoughts.

6. for being put into contact with such a wonderful midwife. i'm
loving this natural thing (so far). it just makes sense. why make
a big deal out of something so simple and natural?

7. planning out a family night for tonight with my hubby
while having our lunch chat with him. dinner and rock band!
(to our kids, that's a big deal as they are both future rockers)

8. all the little things i take for granted

9. laughing with my kids and being crazy

10. being connected with so many wonderful people that
all play a part in my life in some unique way

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