Thursday, September 17, 2009

entry #127

Dear Pumpkin Chili that I made up last night,
You were awesome! Thanks for not being a waste
of food. Can't wait to have you for lunch.

Dear Weather,
Thank you for being so beautiful! It's perfect fall
weather. I was actually cold last night walking
around the festival.

Dear Pumpkin Donut man,
Thank you for finally understanding that I
wanted to buy six individual donuts and have
you put them in a bag for me since you
were no longer selling them in packaged groups.
I didn't think it was that hard to understand.
Slowly but surely you got it. So, thank you for
not making me walk away empty handed
out of pure frustration towards you. I've enjoyed
3 of them already!

p.s. never come between a preggo and a craving!

Dear Cori,
Today is your due date and I am getting so very
excited for you that soon you will be meeting your
very own precious child. It's a joy that I know you've
always wanted and you are SOOO close to experiencing
that, that it makes me teary-eyed. All this waiting and
wondering and planning is coming up to the moment
you will meet your little man. I can't wait to see you
holding him and beaming as you show him to everyone.
You will make an excellent mommy. He's a lucky little boy

Dear Olivia,
Thank you for that small breakthrough a couple days ago.
It made me feel like I was actually doing something to
benefit your education other then just teaching you
to listen and obey. You are very smart and
I appreciate that breakthrough more
then you know. It possibly
fueled my enthusiasm for another week!

1 comment:

Cori said...

awe steph! :) thank you! i am sooo sooo excited to meet him! thank you for your sweet words!! :)