Wednesday, September 23, 2009

entry #130

Dear knitting-in-the-round,
Thank you for actually working for me! I completed a little
hat for Liam. Well, it's a little big but it's all good. Now i'm
working on a little scarf and mittens to match.

Dear countdown till baby comes,
Today you are at 60 days. I can handle that.

Dear Olivia,
Thank you for cleaning your room yet again for the 2nd
week in a row! You have no idea how relieved I am. One
less thing I have to do while being pregnant and after baby
comes. Now if I could only teach you how to do all my chores...

Dear custom license plate I ordered for my hubby,
Thank you for being the one I liked and not one of the other
3 I came up with on the spot. The extra 100$ (give or take)
was totally worth the look on his face.
He's never had plates of his own.
Poor deprived little boy...

Dear Husband,
Thank you for helping me fix the ottoman last night. I
appreciate it. Maybe we'll get lucky and all the tufts will
stay tuft(ed). Oh and thanks for rubbing my back
whenever I need it for as long as it takes to relieve pain.
You're pretty awesome like that!

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