Thursday, March 12, 2009

entry #41

1. being surprise pregnant

2. daydreaming about what he/she looks like
a friend hopes it comes out black so i'll finally
get that black baby i want...

3. re-telling my daughter everyday cause she forgets
and then thinks it's a joke

4. having everything work out with my doctor and insurance

5. finally getting over my cold now just trying not
to puke when i smell bad food, see a commercial, or
kiss my hubby.


Anonymous said...

omg! wow!! congrats!!! :) that's super exciting! how are you feeling?

Brie said...

I'm so glad your surprise pregnant too! Now I want to be surprise pregnant! (hence the eye roll from hubby.) Congrats again on everything - from babies to hubbies being there for 5 years!

Light and Writing said...

Oh I love this! So wonderful to be surprised! (the black baby thing would definitely be one those surprises) I want to find out that way too, just poof, surprise! I love reading your posts by the way!