9 months old (17ish days ago)
Oh, little Faye Faye... (that's what we call you)
You are a determined little girl and know what you want. (wonder where you get that from?) But you are oh so sweet and always offering up a smile or a kiss or a snuggle just when we all need it most. This month you learned how to wave and say 'hi' in a high shrill voice. You finally have a tooth and another coming in beside it. (they are on the bottom) And your eye teeth have broken through the surface. You might be a little vampire baby for a little while. But that's ok. Vampires are in right now...
You crawled right as I was editing these photos! You wanted my camera. For the past month you've been venturing out on your hands and knees but go right back to a sitting position and kind of scoot on your butt and drag yourself along. Olivia did the same thing. But she never crawled. She just mastered the scoot. I don't think you really understood what you just did. I'll try and remind you...
You have finally been eating baby food! It was very wearing on mommy to be your only food source and it has made a HUGE difference with you finally eating baby food. Mommy is finally feeling more normal.
You love sweet potatoes, peaches, applesauce, and strawberry yogurt. And you love little nibbles of whatever we're eating. You yell at us until we feed you. In the van the other day, the kids were eating fries and you could see them and you started yelling at us and we couldn't figure out what was wrong until we noticed where you were staring and reaching your little hand. You wanted Liam's fries. You got one and you were so so happy. You did the same with Starbucks yesterday but it'll be a while for that.
You love playing on your own now and getting into things. Especially the tv cabinet. You love to pull out everything and open and close the door. You have been enjoying playing catch with your brother and sister with the help of me or daddy. And you LOVE when your sissy carries you around to play with her.
You really love music and you do this adorable little dance whenever you hear it. You also sing everytime someone starts playing the piano. Watching you enjoy music makes me love it even more. You make it loads of fun!
Right now you are crying for my attention so I will stop writing and pick you up and cuddle you like I do right into your morning slumber. I love you my little Faye Faye....
awe! I love this - its so sweet and you can hear how much you love your kids :)
She will be so blessed to go back and read this someday!
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