We toyed with the idea of asking for a showing but knew we wouldn't be able to actually buy it for a few more months. Then, one night, Jess' brother's girlfriend (tiffany) mentioned that her mom worked for that particular realtor that held the listing. She got us in contact with her mom and we saw the house and immediately fell in love.
I started mapping out budgets and trying to see how or when we could afford a house. We decided it wasn't the right time and to focus on paying things off first and if the house was still there when we were ready then it'd be the right one.
It took what seemed like years to get to where we wanted to be (6mo to be exact) and believe it or not the house was still there! So we started to talk to banks and explore our borrowing options. We didn't find much that would work with our budget but I held out hope.
When the house was put on the market, about a year and a half before that, it was listed at
$125,000.00. When we were looking at it, it was listed at $121,000. Within a month the owner dropped it down to $119,800 then $114,500.00. It just kept looking better and better for us. But things weren't working out with the banks. We were discouraged.
We were close to trying out contract for deed (for i think $98,000.00) but didn't feel good about it but we knew we wanted the house. We were desperate. We found out at this point that we were pregnant with Faye. We were renting from my great-grandmother. The house we lived in was very nice but getting cramped with all our stuff and her stuff taking up most of the storage areas. We were blessed with the price of rent and the location to my husband's work but we just knew we needed a change and very soon.
Then something wonderful happened. We were told about FHA lending. We looked into and did all the paperwork. It took several weeks for us to even know a definite number we were approved for and when we found out, we were nervous because the owner was very stern about the $98k. But we held out faith knowing that if it was our house then everything would fall into place. We made a lower offer and she rejected it. That's all we could do at that point. So we waited 2 more weeks. We got a call from our realtor to see what was going on. We were waiting for more information from our lender.
It turns out that we were approved for 2k-3k in closing cost help. We already had the down-payment and closing cost money but were so appreciative of the extra help. So much so that we decided that we could offer $95k. So we did. She rejected and wanted $96,500. So we said we wouldn't ask for repair money and she finally agreed to our price of $95k! We were floored! She came down more then 10k from the most recent asking price within a month and a half. God is so good!
So when it all came together finally, our extra funds were applied to our loan and closing costs. At closing we paid $1,200.00 which almost $500 we got back 2 months later. (they over estimate)
And we had enough left to buy the appliances we needed and moving costs and paint. We were so so blessed!
It came to a loan for $93k at $735.00 a month and our homeowner's insurance only costing $45.00 per month. This is something we never dreamt possible. We never thought we'd be able to afford a mortgage. Turns out, when God's in it, ANYTHING is possible. I'm still in shock that we live here now. In this great big house with plenty of space. We love it here and it turns out to be the same price as living in our previously rented home. The electric bill and gas bills are less here then there.
The moral of my telling you this is - to not lose faith. God provides what we need, when we need it, even if it seems impossible. You can't get discouraged and stressed and give up. Stay focused with the mentality that you are going to be provided for regardless of what you really think you need. And if it is the right thing for you, all the details (big or small) will work out. And try not to put God on a timeline. It just makes it harder. It helps if you focus on what you do have and how you are blessed within that waiting period and just know that if it works out that you're life will be that more blessed.
Having faced this impossible feat and in going through this, I have learned more about God's love and provision and I have become extremely relaxed in Him. Whenever something happens I just have a peace that we will always be cared for. And I set no expectations for how. I just have faith.
I also must add, that when we take things into our own hands and make plans we get stressed out. When left to God you'll find a peace in your plans and they no longer just become your plans. It becomes the realization that God's plans for you will work out and may be better then you thought you could have. When working on your own, you short change yourself and are left with something you didn't actually want.
This is my entry for the day because we are blessed. And this story and our lives now and who i am now because of this experience, more then takes up 5 things for the day.
Wow! How much I needed this right now. I've been stressing on how to afford materials for my classes, but I know that God has this for me and he will provide what I need when I need it. Thanks Steph!
just what a i needed to hear :) (not that i'm thinking of buying a house)
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