21 years of being parents to 3 children.
(2 of which have turned out remarkable i might add)
11.5 years of being parents of 2 more children.
4.5 years of being grandparents to olivia.
nearly 2 years to liam.
and soon to two more...
6 years (i think) to breeding dogs.
21 years to demolishing and rebuilding
everything in sight.
5 years of being more relaxed.
1 year of trying to figure eachother out
and 20 years of my dad just letting her
do her thing and letting himself get
secretly sucked into her 'ideas' that she
starts and that turn into big projects for him.
someday, when he's old, he'll get it. maybe...
even though you two didn't start your journey
as married people with eachother i'm glad you
dumped your others and found eachother months
later and married 8 months after that...
think about it this way... i'm ok you didn't start out
together to make the first 3 of us. i like having a
full head of hair... see, things have a funny way
of turning out... i like to find the positive in
situations. oh, not to mention i had a terrible last
name. thanks for changing that for the 15 years i
used it....
you've made pretty great parents for the 5 of us.
despite what you may feel about the lost sheep.
you're loving and forgiving and supportive.
thank you.
i love you both very very much....
(not much of a 'together picture'.
stole it off facebook. but that's what they look like!
and why i look like i'm 17)
stole it off facebook. but that's what they look like!
and why i look like i'm 17)
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