Sooooo. Yah. It's been a while. I was very much in a season where I needed to just do and hear and not so much write. Here anyways. I always felt that I possibly shared too much here so I'll try not to do that again. I just want to write what is on my heart. I've been learning a lot and seeing how I'm a stay-at-home-mom I don't really have the opportunity to be out there and share so I'll do it here. As well as out there whenever possible.
I'm going to write about what I'm learning each day. Whether it be in motherhood, homeschooling, cooking, or spiritually. I love to learn and I am always trying to take something positive from each thing I read or person I meet or experience I have. Life is full of learning opportunities and I'm happy to share my learning process with you.
Life has been so full of lessons since moving out here. All of them working towards a common goal of refining us. God has blessed us so much with a great church, great friends, a great area to live, awesome experiences, and great opportunities for Jess. HE is growing us closer together as a couple and as a family.
It hasn't been the easiest year. If anything, it's been the hardest. Mostly because I keep dragging my heels or second-guessing Him all the time. It's a learning process. We have no idea what is in store for our family. We have a few guesses but we're just waiting on God's perfect timing and plan. We know He has a big plan for our family and we are so excited to be on this journey as wild and crazy as it may seem at times.
I guess I could begin there. With what I've learned since we've moved here.
1. Moving is not that scary
2. People are nice outside of central IL too.
3. God really does have a plan and freaking out doesn't help it just causes anxiety and stress
4. God is good.
5. Our comfort zones keep us from meeting amazing people and doing amazing things
6. God is gracious
7. California is HUGE and beautiful!
8. 4 kids is easier then 3
9. homeschooling Olivia is a great opportunity for me to learn geography
10. I really really love math. Olivia does not.
11. Homeschooling is a way to do all the fun crafty stuff I've always wanted to do.
12. To minimize expectations for myself and just relax and enjoy and do less.
13. I hate ants.
14. We have amazing children. (already knew that but I'm learning so much from them each day)
15. Life is so so precious.
16. To go for it. Whatever He's asking. His plan and outcome is way better then our own.
17. God moves in some crazy ways and will almost always go against everything you've thought
18. Don't make plans.
19. Finding things to be thankful for every day becomes a magnet that finds even more to be thankful for throughout the day
20. Quiet time with Him is my drug.
21. God redeems
22. Because we are forgiven, we can forgive.
23. Because we are blessed, we can bless.
24. Because we are loved unconditionally, we can love.
I'll leave you with that. Good night!
1 comment:
So happy to see you blogging again, makes me feel closer to you! I hope we can have a coffee/skype date soon and a real coffee date in the future when you visit next. Been thinking about the time we spent a late night outside of Starbucks just talking. Was wonderful. Miss you!
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