A lot has happened since Nov. 4th, 2010 and it's taken me about this long to begin to comprehend my life as it is now.
To catch you up to speed...
1. I re-connected with my biological dad in November (after 20+ years) and met his wife and their kids and a brother I didn't know about. Things are going wonderfully. I love them all and we get along great!
2. I got pregnant in February and am currently 4 months pregnant with surprise baby #4.
We will hopefully find out what he/she is next week!
3. My husband accepted a job offer in Mission Viejo, CA. in May and quit his steady job of over 5 years.
4. We're moving from IL to CA in 8 weeks. (if insurance gets figured out)
That may only be 4 things but they are pretty big.
I need to stop fighting all of my emotions and succumb to feeling crazy, emotional, and being unable to control things.
At the beginning of this year the Lord told me to rest. To rest in Him and let Him take care of me and bless me. I knew there was a change coming in June with Jess' career and that God was going to do big things this year for us but that I was just supposed to rest and let Him do it.
Little did I know what all He meant and how hard it would be. I just need to stop dragging my heels and jump in already. Which is where I am now. That is what I am trying to do. Jump in and enjoy the ride that is my life in all it's crazy glory.
I guess I thought resuming my blog would help me sort out my thoughts and gain a little perspective into my own heart. It helped before and I've missed it. There has been a void in my life because I haven't been documenting my life so it doesn't seem to make as much sense. All my thoughts are jumbled around from the past 7 months. I took a break to cherish things more personal rather then share yet I seemed to have lost a bit of myself in that effort.
So, I'm back!
*I will expand more on each point made this week.
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