Thursday, June 3, 2010

Random thoughts...

This morning I didn't get to my usual routine of changing Liam's diaper right away and he ended up leaking through (just pee) on his pants just a little bit. I was feeling bad about this for a moment but then I remembered that there are worse moms that let their kids run around in disgusting diapers that sag on the ground and ignore their children following them around asking for a fresh one.... Then I remembered who I was thinking of specifically.... I had to laugh at myself... Just a little.

Heard about this awesome mom through Amy Smith (another awesome momma). Love her blog, her story, and her gorgeous photos!

this robot party.

I've been trying to make 20 hats and bootie sets before July for our Vintique booth.. I have 4 booties and 2 hats so far... I am really excited about all of this!

Starting Beth Moore's 'Believing God' series with a group of ladies starting June 15th. I am excited and a little intimidated that the Lord put this on my heart to start right now.

Our town just built a brand new mini water park... We'll be getting a pool pass and that's where I'll be most of this summer. Did you know it's summer already?? How did that happen?

Yesterday I had a lady tell me that I look really young but that I'm not that young (regarding me being a mom). It made my day. I'm so used to people telling me that I look young and then when they find out that I am 26 not 17 (like they think) they'll tell me that I am still too young to have children. Like there was something better I could have done with my life?!?! I'm not missing out on anything. In fact, I'm enjoying a truly amazing life for only being 26. God is good.
For those of you that I talked to about my homeschooling woes: I promised Olivia 1 year and we'll go from there. Homeschooling is something that I truly want to do but I don't have what it takes to do it all and be a super mom. I want my children to still enjoy being around me. The Lord will be my strength cause that's the only way...

I need a hose outside. We have no running water outside. It's annoying.

I love a/c window units but you freeze in the room it's located in but the rest of the house is cozy. Sucks it's in my favorite room. Not to mention I can't hear a dang thing when it's running. I love this old house of our's though and it's radiated heat.

Faye had her 6 month check-up today (but she's really 6.5 months cause i forgot to call and schedule on time). She's 19lbs and something oz. and 27 and something inches long. If you had three kids, you'd understand. She's my baby and I love her dearly and I take good care of her and that's really all that matters. Now there's some baby book material right there! If only I used one....

My favorite soda is IZZE. Sparkling Blackberry to be specific. I have one right now but accidentally left it in the freezer too long to chill it and now it's pretty frozen. I'm trying to suck it out. I'm pretty bummed and too impatient to let it thaw out.

My husband is off being a rockstar tonight with his brothers and this is what I have chosen to do with my quiet time... I'm sorry.


Brie said...

that Mom you're thinking of wasn't me was it? You'd tell me right? I do suck at changing diapers on time. For real, not my favorite job in the world. I love your blog posts though. They're beautiful to read. Can't believe you don't know the exact oz and in. of your baby! LOL j/k you're a fabulous mama. Can't wait to chat with you :)

christy rose said...

What a fun and random post! Loved the video. I laughed hard!! I saw Jess being his pretend rock star self. I think he was having a little bit of fun!! :) They did great!! I loved seeing them perform outside, quite different from the coffee shop set. :)

megan said...


I'm 26 also...and my 3rd is arriving in September!

I did Believing God last really changed my life. I was very sick during that time, and among other things, God used that in my life as he COMPLETELY healed me. It was incredible.

I love Izze also, haven't had it in awhile, but when I do my fav is Grapefruit!

AC's DO freeze the room they are located in. And when we use ours we have to keep it on ALL night long with a fan running to spread the cool...all that to say, in the morning it is FREEZING, but you don't dare battle the freezing. We have to let it stay cold (and use blankets and sweatshirts, lol) becuause otherwise we swelter in the afternoon!

I totally connected with you today. =)

stephanie said...

thanks ladies!

megan - congrats on baby #3. glad you felt a connection through such a random post. ha ha. maybe i'll do more of them. :) love your blog!