and it took 3 parties to do so!
her birthday is april 1st.
she woke up to a special breakfast of
orange juice and cinnamon rolls...
for lunch she was treated to chuck e cheese by my
parents and a shopping trip to toys r' us. she was
so sweet and wanted her brother to be a part of her
special birthday lunch.
then we played outside till jess came home...
on our birthdays we have a fun little night
together. the birthday girl/boy picks out their
favorite dinner, dessert, and movie or game.
olivia picked -
her and i had similar fortunes.
we are all looking forward to a much needed
little get-away this coming weekend. we'll
be taking a little road trip out of town to visit
with my whole family... we're pretty excited.
for dessert she chose fruit pizza.
he would sing the first line of the song and say,
'ok sissy, blow!' she was too slow the first go at it
so he blew them all out for her.
and since she had had a pretty long day,
she decided against playing games and to
watch the newest chipmunk movie instead...
it was a lovely birthday day.
but it didn't stop there...
on friday evening we had family over to
she asked my sister for a 'sick baby'... ha ha.
she has been begging for a doctor's kit so she
wanted the kit and a sick baby to make well.
you can see the fork jab where liam got a
hold of her 'birthday' cause he'd been
begging to eat 'birthday' all day and
decided to take matters into his own hands.
well, her birthday weekend doesn't stop here!
today we had her 3rd and final birthday party.
we invited some of her closest girlfriends over
for a tea party. i had soooo much fun planning
this out. i've always wanted to have a tea party.
i lived it through her...
and soon her as well...
first we did a simple little craft for them to
hang up in their rooms.
while we were hot gluing the buttons on for
the girls, they all went up to olivia's room and
played together. that gave us the opportunity to
set-up lunch and display their craftiness for them.
they were pretty pleased with the result.
i found some great little things last week at
our local thrift store.
and i was able to use some gorgeous china
that i've been saving for such an occasion.
my mom gave it to me and i think it was given
to her by her grandmother.
we set up the tea party while the girls were
upstairs playing again. while we were waiting
for the tea on the stove, olivia opened
up her gifts...
i snapped a photo of my mother-in-law
and faye to show all of you how much
they look alike...
- beautiful -
and these beautiful ladies enjoyed a
very special little tea party.
i showed them all
how to add the milk and sugar. i served
vanilla chai tea. one little girl said it was
gross but drank her entire cup and
determined that it was actually good and
asked for another cup.
i think they all had a good time... i know i did!
i love you, olivia! you are a wonderful
little girl with a big heart.
happy birthday!
and a special thanks to amy for helping...
she's gonna be my sister-in-law
someday :)
and a very special thankyou to my bestie,
hannah t. you know why... ;)
1 comment:
It's so great! You did an awesome job!
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