Today I got to lead my daughter in a prayer to ask Jesus into her life.
It was a very simple prayer and a very sweet moment.
My grandpa led me in a prayer when I was four. I still remember.
Looking back at my life, I'm so blessed that I haven't wandered very far from the call that God placed on my life. But when I did wander and tried to do things on my own, He always gently and lovingly pulled me back to Him. Life is better when you are close to Him and His plans for you.
Most of the times I wandered off were out of confusion. I didn't understand who I was in Christ and I didn't understand His grace.
I like this little saying -
Grace is not a license to sin. It is the answer to sin.
Sad that some churches don't preach more on grace. I use to base my faith on what I was or was not doing for God versus just accepting the finished work of Jesus Christ. Life is easier when you aren't working so hard at getting God's love...
I was very careful to explain salvation and grace as best I could to my daughter. I don't want her to see herself as a sinful person that always needs to repent and get right with God. I want her to see herself as a person who was forgiven and who was saved from a life of sin and sadness and defeat.
I also explained that the Lord guides us and lives through us by prompting us to be nice and giving us the desire to do so. And how He gives us eyes to see the good things in life and in others. I don't want her to think that there is a tiny Jesus living in her heart like I did.
Telling kids about God and having to simplify it really makes you think...
Why do we make it more complicated then it needs to be?His grace is such a simple truth...
- posted via my iPhone
What a wonderful opportunity and blessing to be able to lead your little girl to the Lord! I am so happy for y'all. And for Olivia. I hope Wesley will also be inquisitive about this at some time in the near future. Thanks for posting this.
What a wonderful opportunity for you to experience with Olivia. You will be so glad that you have this recorded on here so that she can read about it when she gets older. I wish I would have had so many more of things like that recorded for me and my kids.
That is so neat Steph! It's awesome that you take the opportunities to talk to your kids about the most important things.
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