Monday, March 8, 2010


I had a wonderful weekend! I hope you did too. Liam has some funky eye thing going on. We think it's allergies but just to be sure, my hubby stayed home all weekend with him. Faye and I did some shopping and ate lunch with my sister and our bestest (since childhood) friend on Saturday. It was warm and sunny and we soaked it up! On Sunday the girls and I went to church and then Liv and I ventured out after lunch to do our grocery shopping. We stopped by Lowe's and picked up some paint to begin the girls' room. Faye hasn't been moved in there yet but I think once the room is put back together, we'll try her out in there and see how it goes. 

Unfortunately these are my before pictures.....

She is a hoarder! When we moved a lot of things went into 'special storage' aka the trash. Poor thing is gonna need some therapy. She remembers everything she's ever had and who got her what. It makes it hard for me (a minimalist at heart) to try and impart my minimalistic ways on her. Her birthday is 3 weeks away... There will be some more toys going into 'special storage' before then. 

The only thing that I got finished yesterday was rolling the ceiling. Even the ceilings (upstairs) are painted 'smoker's yellow'!!!!! Now my neck hurts. 

Olivia had to sleep in Liam's room last night. It didn't go over well. We ended up having her fall asleep in our bed and we moved her when we went to bed. This is a fairly busy week for me so I'm not sure when I'll have time to get back in there. This may be a very long week...


christy rose said...

Wow! You are in a painting mode lately. New paint always makes things feel so fresh and new, but I am so terrible at it. I make such a mess. Aaron is the painter in our home.

Special storage? LOL What a great mommy con! But when Olivia gets old enough to read this, she is going to be so mad at you. :)

stephanie said...

Yes I am definitely in painting mode. I want it done before spring really hits so I don't have to think about it anymore.

I'm considering sitting down with liv and have her pick through what she really likes and wants to keep. That way it'll actually teach her something and maybe aid in her hoarding.