Monday, November 9, 2009

entry #157

Dear crazy hormones,
Thank you for only visiting me once thus far. Let's not
do that again. Good thing I have a husband that can
talk me off the crazy ledge and to think normal again.
(i was beginning to curse my choice of having an all
natural homebirth because at this point, with an OB, I'd
be induced and finally holding my precious baby. Oh,
and I was convinced that God wasn't listening to me
and didn't understand my urgency in being done)
All is well now!
Unless I'm still pregnant for Thanksgiving....

Dear Amy,
Thank you for watching our kids on Friday night
so we could go out and finish shopping for the baby.
Our kids love you and we really appreciate it!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for speaking louder then my
emotions. In the midst of the crazy I always
feel that I have two options. To give in or
to trust You. Thankfully I've been trusting
You the majority of the time. It's making the
end of this pregnancy more bearable for me
and my family. They thank You too!

Dear Children,
Thank you for keeping us laughing all weekend
long. I had so much fun on our walk and hanging
out with you guys. You're pretty cool kids!

Dear Husband,
Thank you for being so loving when I'm not so loving.
Thank you for being willing to go out and get all my
crazy strong cravings at any hour.
You're a great husband.
Oh, and the yard looks wonderful. Thank you!

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