Monday, November 2, 2009

entry #151 - #152

1. getting all of our to-do list done before baby arrives.
the list will grow again once i've recovered. we still
have to go out and get a few things from the store but
that's the fun stuff!

2. my husband getting the front hedges trimmed. he did
a lovely job.

3. all of the wonderful family and friends we have that
showed up to celebrate our son's birthday. it was
heartwarming. plus i'm pretty sentimental these

4. my mom and little sister coming and cleaning our whole
house while i baked all the goodies for the party. it was
so wonderful to not worry about doing it all.

5. food. i really like food right now.

6. the fact that november is upon us and
we're 24 days away from one of my favorite
holidays and 52 days till christmas!

7. the sun shining through our windows this morning.
it makes it so much easier to wake up.

8. our heating bills staying low so far with all the
times we had to turn it on this past month

9. having our first trick-or-treaters as married people.
silly i know. but i just feel so adult now.

10. christmas commercials and movies

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