Dear Uncle Chiropractor,
Thank you for giving me something that will hopefully
help with my terrible indigestion problems and
for adjusting me and pushing my stomach down. I
truly truly appreciate it!
Dear September,
unicorn by olivia
help with my terrible indigestion problems and
for adjusting me and pushing my stomach down. I
truly truly appreciate it!
Dear September,
Thank you for joining us. You are possibly my
favorite month because you start my favorite
time of the year.

favorite month because you start my favorite
time of the year.

Dear my first stew,
Thank you for smelling lovely in the croc-pot
and for giving me hope that you may just
turn out!
and for giving me hope that you may just
turn out!
Dear beautiful mums,
Thank you for gracing our front steps to
add to the beauty of fall I wanted to create.
Please stay alive! (as i don't do well with living plants)

add to the beauty of fall I wanted to create.
Please stay alive! (as i don't do well with living plants)

Dear Daughter,
I love your drawings. They make me smile and warm
my heart. I want to frame each and every one of them.
Thank you for making me laugh this morning when you
were trying to draw a horse for school and it ended up
looking like a elephant-ant eater. Never give up on
your creativity. It's who you are.
my heart. I want to frame each and every one of them.
Thank you for making me laugh this morning when you
were trying to draw a horse for school and it ended up
looking like a elephant-ant eater. Never give up on
your creativity. It's who you are.

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