dear dustin and amy,
i thouroughly enjoy playing cards
with you both. we shall play until
we're old and committed into an old
people's home.... amy, we'll get our
winning streak back soon....

dear hubby,
thank you for being so sweet and loving.
thank you for never getting mad like i do.
thank you for putting up with me. thank you
for being such a wonderful daddy to our
children and for being equally excited about
our next child as i am. i'm lucky to have you.
i love you so very much. our children are so
blessed to have you as well. to have a daddy
that will scoop them up and never let them go.
it's so comforting to know that they'll always
have us. us - together.
dear liam,
my sweet mischievous little boy. i love you so
so much. even when you poop and get it all
over and it makes me gag. even when you never
give me a moment alone to shower or go to
the bathroom. even though a room never stays
clean with you around. even though i always
find smashed crackers in the carpet. i wouldn't
change it for anything. i love your sweet kisses
and how you love to sit and cuddle with me. i love
how you love shoes and are so proud when you
finally get them on. i love how you get so excited
over the things you love. it makes me happy.

dear olivia,
i so love your sweet personality. i love
your goodmorning kisses. i love how
i'll often come downstairs in the morning
and find you've already been up playing. i love
how much you love music, video games,
and books. you're so much like your mommy
and daddy. i love how you make me do things
by your persistent reminders of things i've said i
would do. i love all your little random piles of special
things you've built around the house. i love how you love
our bedtime routine. i love how you talk about the baby
and get so excited at the possibility of it being the sister
you've always wanted but also so accepting if it happens
to be another brother. i love how you burst into song
throughout the day just like me. i love that you love
christmas as much as i do. it's fun to have someone to
share in my obsession. you're just all around amazing
and i love you so so much!

dear baby,
i do not know if you're a boy or girl.
i haven't seen you at all. it's very strange.
but it is making me trust more and more
in God and his amazing creation of human
life and our bodies doing what he created
them to do. i cannot wait to hold you
in my arms and be the first one to do so. i
cannot wait to kiss your little cheeks and nose
and lips. i cannot wait to see who you look
like. i cannot wait to finally give you your name.
i'm looking forward to long winter days snuggling
with you and getting to know you. i'm looking
forward to the holidays with a new little life to
celebrate in our families. i didn't plan for you to
be joining our family so soon but God did and i
am so so happy that he did. i love being surprise
pregnant with you. you are such a blessing already.
i'm even looking forward to those middle of the night
feedings when it can just be me and you in the quiet
of the night. with you being the third it's going to be
the only quiet time we get. but i'm sure you won't mind.
your brother and sister are pretty amazing...
i'll admit it...i'm crying
what a sweet post! :)
awe steph, this made me cry!
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