eh. i don't have anything profound to blog at the moment.
i've gotta bad case of mom brain.
we were out of our house for a few days cause our
heat quit working. that was fun!
luckily my sis and her hubby took us in.
now we're back and stuff is just ick.
i have to clean. i'm just procrastinating and enjoying
just being home. with heat.
tomorrow i will clean, i have told myself.
sometimes i have to psych myself up for that. a little pep talk.
some motivation. right now my motivation is that we're running
out of clean clothes and dishes and you can't really
see the living room floor.
the kids are more important.
a friend and i talked about that today.
if you're cleaning it takes ALL of your time it seems like
which is time away from your kids so it's ok to let the house
go some! i usually allow myself 3 days (sat. sun. mon.)
where i just let it go. then the rest of the week i make an
effort to tidy up something ea. day. or just all on one day
to get it over with. which is what i'll be doing tomorrow.
i heard a little girl in the video store tonight asking
her mom to watch the movie with her and her
mom started rattling all the things she had to get
done and how she wouldn't be able to and it
made me sad. and made me realize how true
my conversation with my friend was.
some things that have made my life SO much easier as a mom are:
organizing - i bought little plastic basket tub things from
the dollar store and now keep everything from
bottles to deodorant in them
getting rid of toys - i try and bag up un-used toys and
put them in the basement for when they get sick
of the others or we move to a bigger house
cause it gets TOO cluttered with toys and my kids
don't play as much
crock pot meals - i find great recipes here and
make them my own
google reader - for all 103+ blogs i read
today i was watching the snow in the bright daylight
and i saw it sparkling and it made me happy.
we were out of our house for a few days cause our
heat quit working. that was fun!
luckily my sis and her hubby took us in.
now we're back and stuff is just ick.
i have to clean. i'm just procrastinating and enjoying
just being home. with heat.
tomorrow i will clean, i have told myself.
sometimes i have to psych myself up for that. a little pep talk.
some motivation. right now my motivation is that we're running
out of clean clothes and dishes and you can't really
see the living room floor.
the kids are more important.
a friend and i talked about that today.
if you're cleaning it takes ALL of your time it seems like
which is time away from your kids so it's ok to let the house
go some! i usually allow myself 3 days (sat. sun. mon.)
where i just let it go. then the rest of the week i make an
effort to tidy up something ea. day. or just all on one day
to get it over with. which is what i'll be doing tomorrow.
i heard a little girl in the video store tonight asking
her mom to watch the movie with her and her
mom started rattling all the things she had to get
done and how she wouldn't be able to and it
made me sad. and made me realize how true
my conversation with my friend was.
some things that have made my life SO much easier as a mom are:
organizing - i bought little plastic basket tub things from
the dollar store and now keep everything from
bottles to deodorant in them
getting rid of toys - i try and bag up un-used toys and
put them in the basement for when they get sick
of the others or we move to a bigger house
cause it gets TOO cluttered with toys and my kids
don't play as much
crock pot meals - i find great recipes here and
make them my own
google reader - for all 103+ blogs i read

and i saw it sparkling and it made me happy.
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