Tuesday, March 31, 2009

entry #50

1. feeling my baby move on friday night

2. the house inspection going very well
only in need of my hubby to take good care of it
something he's excited to learn about

3. getting our basement completely packed up
i thought it'd be the worst job of the whole house.
now i'm dreading the attic.

4. sleep

5. my daughter's funny words and personality
yesterday she told me that she's smarter then
me and cuter then me

Thursday, March 26, 2009

entry #49

1. apples

2. sleep

3. my son saying 'mama'

4. back rubs

5. looking at room ideas and paint colors
for our new home

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

entry #48

1. my daughter's eagerness to learn
since she knows her alphabet she just asks
me how to spell something and she goes and
writes it down! i'm so proud of her...

2. watching my hubby buy me a house last night
almost teared up!
(i guess kind of buying me a house. it was final papers
at the bank. we don't close till april 17th...)

3. hearing even more good news from the banker!
God is SOOOOOO good!

4. popsicles

5. phil wickham's cd

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

entry #47

1. finding a seemingly great home inspector yesterday
that was cheaper then all the others. he will spend 4 hours
inspecting the house!

2. finally getting a hold of the banker to sign the
papers after the owner signed the contract. tonight we sign and
i think that puts the house into officially pending.

3. spending a wonderful time with great friends last night.
i should mention it was a stampin up party...
my mother-in-law did a great job and it was really fun!

4. finally starting the blog i wanted to start.
bear with me as i work out the kinks and find my
writing style for that blog. having a new one means
i'll be getting rid of some others. not this one, but probably
my flower one and the design one. i'm also thinking
about starting one about the process of buying
our first home and making it our's.

5. my friend calculating my due date and how far along i am.
according to her i'm 5weeks and 5days! more then what i thought.

Friday, March 20, 2009

entry #46

1. amy making this picture of my daughter for
party invites.
she turns 4 on april 1st.

2. the big year we're gonna have as a little family

3. being overwhelmed by the goodness of God.
seriously. when you focus on Him everything falls into place.
otherwise you're focusing on what you want and it becomes
a huge situation and you're likely to mess up the process
being too anxious and not waiting on God.
he loves you even though you might not love him
and he wants only good things for you even though you might
think you're the only one that wants those things for you.

4. my daughter coming into our room at 11 last night with
the letter 'E' made out of stickers for us

5. getting our couch cushions today from the cleaners!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

entry #45

1. yaya

2. stinkerboo

3. feeling really great

4. getting approved for a home loan at an amazing interest rate

5. the owner accepting our offer and going to sign papers!

entry #44

1. my son's air guitar
he's amazing!

2. my daughter's sun-kissed cheeks
from playing outside with her friends

3. getting out in the warm sun yesterday

4. spending time with good friends

5. our roman shades we made out of
our old mini blinds and curtains!
cost: $2 for fabric glue

you can learn to make your own here

Monday, March 16, 2009

entry #43

1. my daughter praying last night for jesus to text her

2. hanging out with family over the weekend

3. taking my daughter down the street while she rode
her bike that she can finally maneuver this year

4. finding amazing fabric at wal-mart for $2 a yard
no joke. it's amazing. i bought some friday night then went back
last night and bought the rest.
i am the proud owner of 8yd and 26in.

not sure yet what i'm gonna do with it but it's sure to make some
lovely curtains, pillows, or a headboard?

5. my beautiful flowers next to my bed from my wonderful hubby

Friday, March 13, 2009

entry #42

1. the sunflowers i bought myself

2. not being able to eat at my favorite restaurant
or drink starbucks because they make me nauseous.
we're gonna be rich!

3. finally being able to eat a 'meal'
after almost 2 weeks
my 'meal' consisted of grapes, carrots, oranges,
and cinnamon raisin toast!
this baby is going to be a health nut!

4. our digital tuner and powered antenna!
we finally have tv and we're loving it

5. getting a couch and 2 chairs for free tomorrow
thanks to my mom and dad redecorating!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

entry #41

1. being surprise pregnant

2. daydreaming about what he/she looks like
a friend hopes it comes out black so i'll finally
get that black baby i want...

3. re-telling my daughter everyday cause she forgets
and then thinks it's a joke

4. having everything work out with my doctor and insurance

5. finally getting over my cold now just trying not
to puke when i smell bad food, see a commercial, or
kiss my hubby.

entry #40

1. eloping 5 years ago today

2. being more in love now

3. being married to my best friend

4. having the best husband ever
God knew what he was doing...

5. watching him be a dad

Monday, March 9, 2009


sorry i dissapeared.
i was sick all last week and i'm still not feeling well.
when i am, i'll return.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

entry #39

1. hanging out at home all day with my hubby
and kiddos in our pj's

2. getting the house cleaned up before going to bed
and not having to wake up to a messy house

3. a giant bowl of rice krispie treats
my fav when i was preggo with our daughter.
i'd make a giant pot and we'd just eat it from
a giant bowl with forks. so we did that today.

4. getting crafty

5. crazy dancing

Monday, March 2, 2009

a little ♥ over here

my husband's name
one time i was talking to our internet provider and they assumed
that my husband was a woman and asked what 'her' information
was. i laughed and said, "his information is, ...."
and the guy apologized and said he didn't even know
why he assumed that because one
of his best guy friends is a jess

this fantastic house

this girl's room

this simple diy

and this blog....

entry #38

1. brunch at le peeps on a saturday
other then the rude(ish) waitress that was forcing herself to
be nice(ish) to us. she apparently thought we were too young
to have smart children.

2. him
again? i know! how can i not?

3. my sleeping hubby in bed next to me
he is saying funny things in his sleep
cause he's not feeling well.
i could do without the shaking and convulsing
he woke up and asked if i felt the earth quake

4. talking with my aunt on facebook chat

5. our first headboard i bought for 7$ at a thrift store
can't wait to make it pretty