Friday, February 27, 2009

entry #37

1. going to see something last night for the second time...
it's a secret...

2. watching my kids get so excited over it

3. knowing that whatever happens, God is my lifetime of 'steps'
ahead of me.

4. rainy days

5. chicken and dumplings

Thursday, February 26, 2009

entry #36

1. getting out of the house and letting the kids play on
the indoor play ground at the soccer forum while
my hubby plays

2. DQ afterwards, of course. Best around!

3. my mustard yellow spring coat!
$24 at forever 21
for all of those that didn't know about my winter
coat fiasco, my parents bought me the one i wanted
for christmas BUT it was an XS.
i proudly wore it home until i looked in the mirror!
it was dreadful. way too small. it created imaginary rolls.
i felt like chris farley's character 'fat guy in a little coat'
so that was returned and was not to be found in my size.

4. coloring

5. made up card games with my daughter
with real cards or sugar packets at restaurants

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

entry #35

1. making it to bible study last night
when we weren't planning on going

2. talking with my hubby
about us and life and the kids

3. having a good conversation with my

4. realizing that it's sooo easy to talk about my faith
confidently because i know the truth now
and it just makes sense

5. my daughter's prayers at night

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the icing on top

entry #34

1. my husband bringing home frozen pizza last night
so i wouldn't have to make anything since i'm not
feeling well

2. 7-up

3. finding the beauty in things when sometimes
it seems impossible

4. snuggling with my babies after they've had baths
and their hair smells so so good

5. biofreeze for my aching head

Monday, February 23, 2009


here's my own personal review of









entry #33

1. the butt load of sleep i got on saturday

2. having a wonderful night out with a dear friend

3. going to dairy queen at 7:30pm in a different town just
cause it's the best one around

4. my son falling asleep between us last night just cause he
wanted his mommy and daddy for a little while

5. our church. seriously. and the people in it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

entry #32

1. my daughter singing 'that's not my name' by the ting tings

2. the wonderful conversation i had with my daughter at
bedtime about jesus, bad dreams, birthdays, happy things,
babies, and adoption.
she's so much like me. it's so fun! we're both deep thinkers and
you can just see her little mind going

3. the peace i feel knowing what i do about God's grace
that's a whole other blog i'm going to start sometime...

4. buying my first pattern to make my daughter sun dresses!
i can't wait to get started

5. lunch out with my boys
my daughter was with my mom yesterday

Thursday, February 19, 2009

oh. my. goodness.

a friend and i were just talking about making our
children some clothes.

then brooke at inchmark
posted these that she made herself

she got the pattern from oliver + s
where she is a visual and graphic designer

just look how cute these clothes are!

and their site is so so cute.

entry #31

1. pandora radio

2. our daughter coming to us early this morning
after she woke up from a bad dream....
'i had a dream about a bad witch and snow white'
we just smiled at eachother and made room between us

3. animal crackers

4. getting a shower this morning

5. my son 'singing' with me

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

entry #30

1. my new amplified bible courtesy of my hubby
he brought one home 2 days ago so very proud
of himself and his find for me. i began to look over
it and admire it's newness only to discover that it
was truly amplified... meaning large print!
he went back and got me the right one.

2. conversations with my daughter in the car

3. when my daughter tells us about her dreams
they usually involve us having more babies...

4. the pink tulips i bought myself

5. my children somehow bridging a communication barrier
of grunts and points and playing together.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

entry #29

1. snuggling with my hubby last night while watching
our shows.

2. falling asleep in his arms
which is rare for us cause i sleep on my right
side and i make him sleep on his left cause he snores
in my ear. guess i was super tired.

3. waking up to kisses from my son

4. how my daughter loves to wake-up before
her daddy leaves for work. if she misses him
then she is so so sad.
she loves him sooo much!

5. the meter man finally coming to read our indoor
meter vs. estimating what we've used..
i know it has not been $320 worth a month!

Monday, February 16, 2009

entry #28

1. sleeping until 9:30 this morning

2. my son wanting to stay with me in church
and being really good too so i didn't mind

3. eating lunch with good friends

4. me and my daughter's matching hats
that i made

5. watching my daughter protect her brother
when a rough little girl wanted to knock him down

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

entry #27

1. today cause it's my hubby's birthday

2. 15 years ago cause that's when i met him

3. 24 years ago today cause that's when he was born

4. his mom for bringing him into the world

5. his parents for raising such a wonderful human being

my love.

happy birthday.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


as a female driver i have ran into a cement post at the bank when i was 17 and didn't figure out that was the dent in the side of my parents van until after they decided it was a hit and run in a parking lot.

i have tried to jump start my car when it wasn't dead. lights and radio worked just fine! should have been a big clue. my sister had used my car and left it in drive when she shut off the engine so i went to start it and it wouldn't. i figured out what was wrong only after i started a fire in the garage trying to jump it.

on another occasion i was following my dad to a mechanic's so that i could drive him home after dropping off his truck. it had just started raining (i like to add that part in) and i was reading a church sign and saw too late that he was stopped ahead of me and when i tried to brake i crashed into him. he luckily saw me coming in his mirror and braced himself for the blow. when we took a turn to get off the road his truck topper flew off into a busy intersection and he and i had to carry it back and put it on. 2 state troopers stopped at different times ready to fill out the accident report and my dad chuckled and said no need cause i was his daughter. then, thinking that i had a broken rib or something spent a good portion in the er that night getting checked out. all was fine. i dented my dad's truck to the frame but mine was easily fixed with a rubber mallet.

oh and when i was 16 my dad was trying to teach me stick-shift on a country road. i'm surprised the transmission didn't fall out. my dad was trying to eat his lunch and could barely keep it down cause he was laughing too hard. i have ZERO coordination and have NEVER tried it again.

any funny stories?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

entry #26

1. successfully making a slouche hat on the second try
and here's how

2. getting outside today to enjoy the sun

3. him

4. being inspired to be crafty again

5. reading a book by the window, on the
couch, with our little man taking a nap on my chest

entry #25

1. getting out in the warm sun yesterday

2. my son playing the 'drums'
he's obsessed!

3. my daughter wearing a princess dress almost everyday

4. my son falling asleep in my arms
while i was crocheting

5. learning how to crochet a slouche hat!
i'll post more on that soon!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

entry #24

1. my daughter's ridiculously soft feet

2. how little and snuggly my son is
we bought him 12-18mo shirts and he is
SWIMMING in them and he's 15mo.

3. my daughter's amazing memory
she takes after her dad...
cause i have very little

4. my daughter's chalk drawings

5. falling asleep last night at 10:15
it was short lived but much appreciated.
little buddy is doing much better :)

entry #23

1. snuggling with our little man when he
doesn't feel well

2. pretty much a whole day with ya ya
shopping, lunch, and a party

3. yesterday's weather

4. my husband being able to come home
for lunch and right after work every day!
a basketball announcer was talking about how
he'd been home 22 hours that week.
that's soo sad!

5. being utterly happy for someone else
one of my dearest friends is having a baby!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

entry #22

1. my son snuggling cause he doesn't feel good

2. warm weather
hoping to be able to go out in it

3. watching my daughter use my laptop or
my hubby's iphone
she's genius

4. golden grahams as a late night snack

5. going to target and only buying socks
it's a great feeling

Thursday, February 5, 2009

look what i did!

with the help of my mother-in-law of course...

entry #21

1. my son saying 'da, da, da!' and throwing a ball in the air
'ready, set, go!'

2. a free dinner date tonight with friends

3. the realization that Jesus isn't next to us helping us through life.
He isn't distant. He is in us. we are a part of Him.
picture this - a silhouette completely outlined in a thin
blue line. that line represents God.
a little something God showed me the other night

4. my hubby's hands
he's my own personal masseuse

5. my sister
she is watching the kids tonight for the second
night in a row

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

entry #20

1. pure joy from doing something for someone else

2. how my son calls after his sister
'ya ya' 'ya ya'

3. my daughter's drawings
tonight she drew a man on her little magna doodle
and she ran out of room for his head and so she put it
next to him on the ground.... some say morbid - i say creative!

4. catching up with a friend

5. looking through my old things and
realizing i was a pretty cool kid

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

entry #19

1. taking the time to write out a grocery list
the future me at 9 tonight will be very happy

2. breakfast food for dinner

3. being encouraged during discouraging times

4. free recipes

5. being shown that i don't have to figure everything out
that i just have to focus on God's love and His faithfulness

Monday, February 2, 2009

entry #18

1. working out and singing along on my ipod
while closing my eyes just soaking it up
then it being abruptly interrupted when i opened
my eyes to see my husband standing infront of me.
i screamed and then screamed again. then i cried. then we laughed.

power cleaning the house even though i didn't feel like it

3. going to bed before 12

4. 70 and 80's sitcoms

5. my hair
i can usually go to bed with it wet and wake up with awesome hair.
this doesn't usually work in the winter but i'm hopeful
aka too tired to go dry it

entry #17

1. my son wearing my daughter's purple pj pants
cause his are dirty and i meant to get to laundry

2. lounging ALL day just because
the three of us on the couch eating junk.. bliss!

3. taking an unexpected nap with my son in my arms

4. watching an old movie with my daughter
singin' in the rain

5. v8 splash

entry #16

1. hanging out with friends

2. my own heater when crawling into bed
aka my hubby

3. renewed hope

4. being able to take my time getting to church
usually we go at 8:30 so my husband can practice
for morning worship and yesterday his brothers picked him up
so i took my precious time and milked it for all it's worth

5. today cause it's february
and one month closer to warmer weather
plus my hubby's b-day, valentine's, and my sister's b-day