i'm typing this as a pie is baking in the oven
and the macy's thanksgiving day parade is on.
my daughter is fascinated by the holiday season.
she's been making christmas trees all week by piling up her toys.
she can't wait to put the tree up tomorrow.
i love the joy she gets and brings to us!
this year i am especially thankful for my husband.
i feel like this year, of all years, i have truly been blessed with an amazing husband.
not that i didn't think that before.
i've just realized it even more this year.
i've been learning about God's love and grace. a new concept i'm trying to comprehend.
the closest thing i have on earth to help me understand God's unconditional love
is my husband's. He loves me NO MATTER WHAT!
He is so patient and understanding and loving.
i love you honey.
thank you thank you thank you!
i am beyond thankful for my children.
i feel so incredibly blessed. it is a task i don't take lightly.
they are little beams of light into my life and
they challenge me daily
to be a better person.
i cherish each day i get to spend with them.
i am so thankful to be able to be a stay-at-home mommy.
no matter how crazy things get i try and remember that one day, sooner then i'd like,
all the craziness will be gone and they'll be off doing their own thing
so, i am thankful to have children that come with moments of craziness!
i am thankful for our church. i was completely confused
about what i believed in and now, a year later, i know!
i know, without a doubt, what i believe in.
the people of our church are incredible
each sunday there is a new revelation that i'd never had before
and each tuesday night at bible study.
it's all stuff i'd NEVER heard before!
i am thankful for life and my journey and where i'm going.
i can't wait to see where this next year is going to take me. us.
i am thankful for all of you too! i LOVE writing and
blogging and it's sooo fun to actually
have an audience to write for!
so, thank you for reading and commenting!
may you ALL have an amazing Thanksgiving!